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A Little Seasonal Angels and Demons

Some Good Omens!Alternate Universe!Laz'ab and Aawari for the few of you still checking your dash this holiday season.

I didn't expect to draw any seasonal art this year as I'm terrified of spiraling for so much as touching a pen. Most personal pieces have ground to a halt and I was resigned to a slow end to the year. Count on MoonlitAlien to shake me out of that slump as she and I reminisced over our many Laz'ab/Aawari AUs.

I suppose Aawari being an angel in her True Form is seasonal enough, but I threw in some mistletoe for good measure.

Merr' Chrysler everyone. I we all get the break, food, warmth, and company (or lack thereof, if that's your preference) we need to recover through this season and start the new year afresh.

And if we don't... we're in good company.

- Sak (Athena)
Aawari © MoonlitAlien
Good Omens © Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman
Characters and Artwork © Shamine Athena King

Oh, calm down Laz, you're already wearing the right colour for the season.

Maybe he'll relent when he learns mistletoe is a parasitic species that throttles the host plant to death.

Oh, calm down Laz, you're already wearing the right colour for the season.

Maybe he'll relent when he learns mistletoe is a parasitic species that throttles the host plant to death.