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The Daddy Issue

Aezar 'Goth Daddy' Aeduire, formerly Naerethil Loraethaine, hailed from a prominent Altmer family that spent decades arranging his loveless marriage. He did right by them, produced an heir, then promptly marched off to the front lines where he proceeded to get himself Apraxed, killed, and turned, never to be seen again. Which makes him the deadbeat, absentee father so often blamed for troubled upbringings.
The Elder Scrolls Online © Bethesda/Zenimax
Characters and Artwork © Shamine Athena King

This was meant to be a humerous picture but his expression turned much more upset than intended. Perhaps he has more feelings on the matter than he likes to let on ...

This was meant to be a humerous picture but his expression turned much more upset than intended. Perhaps he has more feelings on the matter than he likes to let on ...