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Keep Calm And CARRION

CARRION is an absolutely gorgeous pixel-art, side-scrolling, maze-exploring puzzle game in which you play as the horrible monstrosity scaring the pants off people for a change! It's gooey, it's gorey, the atmosphere is electric (sometimes literally) and I cannot recommend it enough. If you're fond of solving puzzles alongside an adorable creature of tentacles and viscera, definitely check out this game, especially if you're a fan of John Carpenter's The Thing (1982).
- Athena (Sak)
CARRION © Phobia Game Studio
Artwork © Shamine Athena King

Belated fanart of the game CARRION, which I played over Halloween. But er... red is seasonal??

Belated fanart of the game CARRION, which I played over Halloween. But er... red is seasonal??