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He Wants to Order

Taking a break from the Ultimate Laz'ab Line-Up for a quick, silly redraw of a meme I saw kicking around.

Don't ask why Aawari's baby seat is at the wheel, they posed her for this shot ... we hope.

- Athena (Sak)
Aawari © MoonlitAlien
Vampire: the Masquerade © White Wolf/Paradox
Characters and Artwork © Shamine Athena King

"WhaT Do YoU mEaN YoU oNly SErVE BrEaKFaST UnTiL 10:30?!!!"
-- Laz, probably
(props to TweedPawn for the quote)

"WhaT Do YoU mEaN YoU oNly SErVE BrEaKFaST UnTiL 10:30?!!!"
-- Laz, probably
(props to TweedPawn for the quote)